1. What is the benefit of purchasing tiket FLEXI?
You will be able to choose any flexible dates to use tiket FLEXI. The validity period is up to the time limit indicated on the voucher you received.
2. If I book several tickets with tiket FLEXI, will I be able to redeem separately and with a different date?
Yes, you can redeem each voucher separately based on your preferred dates.
3. Does tiket FLEXI price include tax? Or does the customer still have to pay additional fees upon arrival?
Yes, tiket FLEXI price includes tax, so customers will not be charged any additional fee when exchanging the voucher.
4. Does tiket FLEXI have to be carried during the redemption process?
Yes, but you can download or present the e-voucher in your email or through "My Order" page on tiket.com app. You can also show your Booking ID to the staff at the activity place.
5. Are the customers allowed to use voucher codes, TIX points, and gift vouchers when booking tiket FLEXI?
All payment methods are available for tiket FLEXI. However, for To Dos category, voucher code and gift voucher are not yet supported as payment methods.