Starts fromΒ USD 7.34
Important Info & Highlight

2022 Departure Schedule

Every Saturday and Sunday

  • Enjoy the beauty of the sea and beaches on the islands of Kelor, Cipir, and Onrust
  • Hunt for interesting photo spots in various historical attractions of Kelor, Cipir, and Onrust Islands
  • Suitable for: Group Traveler, The Adventurer, and Family Vacationer


Product from
Explore Pulau Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust (Excl. Lunch) 1 Day Trip by Sabiladventure
Starts fromΒ 
USD 7.34Β 

General Information Open Trip Pulau Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Thousand Islands

Kelor Island, Cipir, & Onrust Thousand Islands Open Trip Package Prices

As the name suggests, the number of islands that belong to the Thousand Islands region is huge! Maybe t-mates are worried because don't have much time to explore all the beauty that awaits in the Thousand Islands. We’ve got your back t-mates! You can order the Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Island Open Trip packages which will take you around three islands at once in just one day! What's on this handy tour?

Open Trip to Kelor Island, Cipir, & Onrust

If usually a tour to the Thousand Islands is synonymous with snorkeling or photos on photogenic beaches, the, & Onrust Island Open Trip actually offers a different experience! The reason is, you will depart from Muara Kamal Pier to witness historical relics on Kelor Island, Cipir Island, and Onrust Island.

On Kelor Island, t-mates will see the Seven Ship graves and Fort Martello which are relics of the Dutch colonial era. Psst, this fort is still standing strong until now and can be explored. Cool, right?

After that, you will be taken to Onrust Island. This island is famous for the many ruins of buildings from the VOC era as well as discoveries from ancient archaeological sites which were eventually enshrined in the Onrust Island Museum. Then, your adventure will be closed by exploring Cipir Island which is full of inscriptions, and visiting a building that in the past played an important role during the quarantine period for pilgrims. Interesting right?  

Open Trip to Kelor Island, Cipir, & Onrust Package Price

How much does the Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Islands Open Trip package cost? To witness the beauty of these three famous islands for a full day, you only need to prepare a budget of IDR 66,000 per person. Very affordable, right? With this ticket price, you can join other groups to find new friends or go with your favorite people, you know. 

*Ticket prices may change at any time. The price that applies is the latest price in the package catalog on this page.

Facilities during Kelor Island, Cipir, & Onrust Open Trip

You only need to bring a change of clothes, sunscreen, provisions or lunch money, and personal medicines to participate in this tour. The nominal you pay is included with the following facilities to make your holiday memories even sweeter:

  • Round-trip ferry tickets;
  • Free mineral water;
  • Entrance tickets for attractions;
  • Guide fee;
  • Donation fee;
  • Tour documentation.

Location of Kelor Island, Cipir, & Onrust Open Trip

If t-mates join as one of the Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Islands Open Trip tour participants, you must first gather at Muara Kamal Pier. This port is located at RT 8/RW 1 Kamal Muara, Penjaringan District, North Jakarta City. The specific points of this place are listed in the maps which you can use for more practical navigation.

How to Go to the Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Island Open Trip

If you want to visit Muara Kamal Pier, we suggest you take a motorbike or public transportation. For travel by public transportation, you can take the train to Gambir Station, then move to the Gambir 1 TransJakarta bus stop to find a bus headed for the Harmoni TransJakarta bus stop. After that, you have to transit at the Juanda bus stop to change to the TransJakarta bus towards Kalideres. 

Get off when you arrive at the Sumur Bor Bus Stop, and find a microbus heading to Rawa Kompeni. Finally, all you have to do is stop at the Inti Persada Nusantara Monument which is 1 km from Muara Kamal Pier. From here, you can choose to walk or order an online motorcycle.

Operational Hours of Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Island Open Trip 

This tour activity is only available on weekends, Saturday and Sunday. Make sure you can arrive at Muara Kamal Pier before or right at 08.00 WIB so you won't miss the trip. The tour will end around 16.00 WIB, depending on external conditions.

Come to Try Open Trip Packages to Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Islands  

Can't wait to explore Kelor Island, Cipir Island, and Onrust Island? Make sure you've booked the tour ticket and sent proof of purchase to the tour operator's WhatsApp number as a maximum confirmation of D-3 departure, okay! Let’s order the Kelor, Cipir, & Onrust Island Open Trip packages and grab the discounted prices at!


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